Dogmeat Be
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Dogmeat is a group of metal alternatif since last year in Neufchâteau in 1997. The group is sorted by 4 EPs that lasted a long time during the tour and part of the Walloon festival during the Dour Festival, the Ward’In Rock Festival, le Durbuy Rock Festival, les Nuits de l’Entrepôt, le Black Jack Festival, l’Autumn Rock Festival…
The group of equal parts and the production of the botanicals, the DNA and the Magasin 4 in Bruxelles, the Entrepôt in Arlon, the Soundstation and the Escalier in Liège and the semi-finalist of the Concours Circuit and 2004. 2022 mark the 25th anniversary of the organization, the decision of the reformer and repartee on the route plus motivation for a series of dates and new developments!
The new EP 3 titles REBORN was released on January 10 and the group was ready to be released with maximum scenes for defense!